domingo, 13 de abril de 2008

Sherlock Holmes Stories

The Man with the Twisted Lip

The title of this book is Sherlock Holmes stories by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. It talks about mysterious and difficult cases that were solved by Sherlock Holmes.

In the chapter named The man with the Twisted Lip, the conflict started when Kate Whitney’s husband, Isa Whitney, hadn’t been home for two days. She asked for help to a close couple of friends, Dr Watson and his wife. Isa had the terrible habit of taking opium and Watson went to an opium house to look for Isa. In that house he found an old friend, Sherlock Holmes who told him to send his friend to his house and wait for him outside.

Holmes was in the middle of a case, he was looking for Neville Sinclair. They traveled together to Mrs. Sinclair’s house and started the story. Mr. Neville was married and had two children. He traveled everyday to London. Last Monday he went to London as usual and his wife was there too, she walked by the street where the opium house was and saw her husband in a window but he disappeared. She looked for a policeman to examine the house but she only found a person called the Indian and a beggar named Hugh Bone. In Hugh’s room they found all of Sinclair’s clothes except his coat. Bone had a dirty face and a twisted lip; he was taken away to the police station.

Mrs. Sinclair had received a letter from his husband, it said that she mustn’t been worried. The next day Watson and Holmes traveled to London and went to the police station. Hugh hadn’t wanted to wash his face so he was dirty and look ban with his twisted lip. When Holmes entered to the prisoner’s room he was sleeping so Holmes washed his face and said –“Gentlemen allow me to present you Mr. Neville Sinclair”-.
Everybody was shocked.

The man said that he didn’t want his wife and children to be ashamed of him. When he was young he was a report paper and his boss asked him to write a story about beggars, so he dressed as a beggar to have enough information, but he realized that he could earn much money as a beggar, so he decided to become one.

I like a lot suspense books and especially this chapter is very mysterious, I was totally interested in continue reading and reading until I could finally know what happened with Mr. Neville.

I think it was a very surprising final, I started thinking this was a murder but I never imagined that he was only trying to keep save his secret. It’s believable for me because very often we hear stories about couples which keep secrets between them.

It’s nice that sometimes we can admire such an intelligent man as Holmes, who was deeply committed with hid job and really enjoyed and loved it.

1 comentario:

Verónica Poujol dijo...

Well, I could see that you included your comments and a little introductions here,so that counts for a higher grade.

New mark: 9